Frequently Asked Questions | Blue Mountain Co

Frequently asked questions

Can I use Blue Mountain Co vent cowls on my toilet or portaloo?


How do I install my chosen vent cowl product?

For detailed installation instructions, visit the Support page for your chosen product. 

Do I need to use a vent cowl if I have a Maelstrom filter installed on my tank?

Vent cowls are optional for rainwater tanks with and without Maelstrom filters. However, the benefit of a vent cowl is that it will ensure the unrestricted flow of fresh air within your tank. 

When would I use a weatherproof vs a standard vent cowl?

Both standard and weatherproof vent cowls allow fresh air to circulate within your rainwater tank. Weatherproof vent cowls incorporate a cap that shields the stainless steel screen from light (UV) and the weather. They can be used to provide a light (UV) and weather-proof vent on the top surface of your rainwater tank. 

Why is there a film on my tank screen?

Fine particles can accumulate on your tank screen’s mosquito-proof mesh. This may block the water flow. To prevent this problem, regularly maintain your tank screen or replace it with a Maelstrom filter. 

Do I need to screw my Solar Cover onto my tank screen?


Can I install a Maintenance Tray with a Solar Cover?


My tank is overflowing at the inlet rather than the outlet. What should I do?

Your tank outlet may be blocked by a blocked Mozzie Stoppa or another obstruction. Alternately, the bottom of your tank overflow may sit above the base of your tank inlet screen and/or tank inlet.  

Check your overflow outlet for the presence of a Mozzie Stoppa or other obstruction. If a Mozzie Stoppa is installed, remove and inspect it and clean if necessary before reinstalling it at the outlet or replacing with a Mozzie Stoppa Easy-Clean. Remove any other obstructions from your tank overflow outlet. 

If a blocked Mozzie Stoppa or other obstruction is not the cause of your inlet overflow problem or if your inlet overflow problem persists, check to ensure that you have an appropriate height tank overflow for your tank. The bottom of your overflow should sit below the level of your tank inlet screen. If you have an overflow that sits above the base of your tank inlet, you will need to replace it with a lower tank overflow. 

How do I clean my Tank Screen?

For detailed maintenance instructions, visit the Support page for your chosen product. 

How many pipes can I have going onto my tank screen?

It is common to have two 90mm (3″) pipes feeding a single tank screen. If additional pipes are plumbed, it is important to consider the capacity of your tank overflow outlets. Your outlets should balance your inlet pipe volume so that the combined cross-sectional area of the inlet pipes does not exceed the cross-sectional area of the outlet. You may need to install an additional tank overflow outlet or enlarge your existing one to accommodate the volume of water from additional inlet pipes. 

What is “water bounce”?

Water bounce occurs when fast flowing water from your tank inlet pipes “bounces” off your mosquito-proof tank inlet screen, reducing your water catchment efficiency. This may occur during heavy downpours, when too many pipes are feeding a single screen, or if your mosquito-proof tank inlet screen has become obstructed by leaves and debris. Replacing your tank inlet screen with a mosquito-proof Maelstrom filter is an effective way to prevent water bounce and improve your water catchment efficiency. 

Should I mosquito-proof my tank overflow outlet?

In many places, mosquito-proofing your tank overflow outlet is a legal requirement. Even if it’s not legally required, it’s wise to mosquito-proof your tank outlet to keep mosquitoes and other pests out of your rainwater tank. You can do this using a mosquito-proof tank outlet screen such as a Mozzie Stoppa Easy-Clean. All our tank overflow kits come with a mosquito-proof Mozzie Stoppa screen. 

How do I connect two tanks?

When connecting two tanks, it’s best to connect them at the base. It is important to ensure that the tank receiving water from the roof or other catchment area has an overflow outlet. 

Can I install my high level overflow sideways?

Yes. We recommend installing your high level overflow with the bend facing directly upwards, however, it can also be installed on an angle to adjust the upper level. This may be necessary to ensure the overflow level stays below the base of your tank inlet and/or tank inlet screen. 

Which way should I orient my high level overflow?

The bend on your high level tank overflow should face up towards the top of your tank in order to increase your tank’s storage volume and overflow height. 

Do I need a gasket to secure my overflow to the tank?

You can choose to use a gasket or silicon to secure your overflow to your tank. A gasket is not required if you use silicon. All our tank overflow kits come with a gasket. 

Do I need silicon to secure my overflow to the tank?

You can choose to use a gasket or silicon to secure your overflow to your tank. Silicon is not required if you use a gasket. All our tank overflow kits come with a gasket. let. 

What size should I choose? (kit)

You should match the diameter of your tank overflow to the diameter of the tank overflow outlet. 

Should I choose a regular tank overflow or a high level product?

Whichever tank overflow product you choose to use, your overflow needs to sit below the base of your tank inlet screen. High or extra high tank overflows offer a simple and effective way to increase your tank’s storage capacity, however, these products are only appropriate if the top of the overflow sits below the base of your tank inlet screen. 

My tank is overflowing at the inlet rather than the outlet. What should I do?

Your tank outlet may be blocked by a blocked Mozzie Stoppa or another obstruction. Alternately, the highest point on your tank overflow may sit above the base of your tank inlet screen and/or tank inlet.  

Check to ensure that you have used an appropriate height tank overflow for your tank. If you have used a high or extra-high overflow that sits above the base of your tank inlet, you will need to replace it with a standard tank overflow or a lower tank overflow.  

If your tank overflow is not the cause of your inlet overflow problem or if your inlet overflow problem persists, check your overflow outlet for the presence of a Mozzie Stoppa or other obstruction. If a Mozzie Stoppa is installed, remove and inspect it and clean if necessary before reinstalling it at the outlet or replacing with a Mozzie Stoppa Easy-Clean. Remove any other obstructions from your tank overflow outlet. 


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